• I study in the NYU, the New York University.

    My university

    This month,we are celebrating the Earth Day and I am so excited because I will go to the biking trip.

    My university

    I study languages and I can speak 6 languages (French, English, Spanish, Italian, German and Korean)

    With my basketball team, we won a big tournament between universities.

    My university is in New York in the Midtown Center.

    Every mornings, I wake up at 6 AM and I take the subway to go in the campus at 7 AM.

    The life here is really great but stressful. My goal is to become a community manager or translator for a really famous person, so I have to work hard. But I enjoy being with my friends, to talk in summer on the grass.

    I have 8 hours of class in a day and I arrive to my flat every evenings at 7.30 PM when I don't go out with my friends ! wink2

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